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Expand your perception



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Abstract Liquid

Join our April 25 Immersion:

Hudson Valley, NY



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​In a world that’s constantly changing, and where self-awareness is key to unlocking personal and professional success, understanding why you do what you do is fundamental to change.


Our brain is surprisingly blind to itself. We rarely understand why we see, believe, and act as we do.

Even rarer is our ability to question the ‘personal truths’ that guide our perceptions, beliefs, and actions.

We often react to life, feeling a lack of agency in our reflexive responses to life’s ‘triggers.’

This reaction diminishes our sense of well-being, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

We all have a choice!


We can choose to live in convenient but deluded blindness.

Or we can choose to enter each moment with self-understanding.

The first is comfortable and common but decreases well-being, since things in nature that stand still diminish.

The second requires energy and risk but is the only path to learning, healing and evolving.

During Perceptual Health immersions you will learn the art and science of self-enquiry and self-analysis, by fusing the power and potential of neuroscience with spiritual practice. 

Join Beau & Abby in extraordinary places around the world, and embark on
a life-changing adventure to expand your mental, emotional and spiritual perception.​

Dr Beau Lotto

Neuroscientist, author, inspirational speaker including 3x main stage TED talks;

and global leading expert on perception and neuroscience


Abby Dixon

Yoga teacher, musician, writer and wellness expert

"Perceptual Health is a process of re-wiring your brain, in order to do better in life, by being a better human."

                                                                                                                 DR. B Lotto

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the neuroscience of transformations


9th April - 15th April 2025

During this immersion, in the midst of upstate New York's beautiful spring season, we will explore the neuroscience of turning transitions into transformations.

Noticing how we as humans mirror the environment around us we will use this magnificent glass house and the magnitude of changing nature around us, to explore ourselves and our behaviour patterns. We will come to better understand the consequence of our controllable actions in an ever-changing world. 


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Geneva, Switzerland

"A setting to review and discuss a growth framework backed up by neuroscience within a yoga retreat is an absolute wining combination. Both of you are really good at what you do, I am left with no words for good at the power of two. That you have managed to do this in such a friendly and personal environment is all the more impressive. I feel really lucky that I could be part of this."

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San Francisco, USA

"This retreat stretched me mentally and physically in the best possible ways. Understanding pragmatic ways to apply Beau’s wisdom to my own life gave me an entirely new perspective on growth, joy, and curiosity. I went home feeling so strong-my yoga practice was the best it’s ever been and being cognizant of how I enter situations in my life has improved all my relationships."

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Texas, USA 

" Something that was especially profound to me was how to be loving. Which is to support each other to take healthy risks … and that’s something that I’m truly inspired to take into my life: A license to be loving in all my relationships. When approach life in this way, you help others to expand … and in doing so expand your own life. 

What stood out to me was the coherence of the entire experience. I would recommend this experience to literally anyone because quality of relationships in life are essential to everyone."

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London, UK

"I’m feeling empowered... Feeling like there is so much I don’t know!

The grip grounded me, yet expanded my world view. So moving into every day with curiosity gives me a new lease of life. It enables me to be more playful and compassionate in my relationships. I’m way more curious and less certain, and find way more joy and meaning in the small rituals of daily life..."

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Buenos Aires, Argentina

"Beau's sessions gave me so many new tools to approach the challenges of change and uncertainty. I now feel deeply empowering in a way that I've never felt before.  He has a way of sharing very complex subjects in an extremely engaging, creative and fun way.  I also loved how our bodies were so well taken care of by Abby’s excellent, twice-daily yoga classes. Their united approach took me on a deep, transformative, yet gentle journey. I loved it!"

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